IGP Kashmir visits Navyug Tunnel, Chandanwari, conducts security review meetings


The Inspector General of Police Kashmir Zone Shri V.K Birdi today visited Navyug Tunnel to Chandanwari to inspect the security arrangements to be put in place along the yatra route and at various camping sites. He also chaired a meeting with the officers of police & CAPFs.The inspection of the security bandobast was aimed at to ensure a safe and seamless pilgrimage for all participants. Emphasis was laid on monitoring, strict vigil & patrolling to prevent any security breaches. The security arrangements at various camping sites were also closely examined by the IGP Kashmir. He emphasized the need for appropriate, robust and sustained security measures to protect the pilgrims from an harm by the ANEs. The inspection included an evaluation of on ground deployment, Access control, AS check teams and their paraphernalia, besides surveillance systems and emergency response protocols. The IGP while lauding the efforts of police and CAPFs in maintaining a high level of vigilance and preparedness stressed upon them to maintain the same spirit during the entire period of SANJY-2024.


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