ICDS Project Kargil celebrates Poshan Pakhwada at AWC Thakskangrong

ICDS Project Kargil celebrates Poshan Pakhwada at AWC Thakskangrong.
ICDS Project Kargil celebrates Poshan Pakhwada at AWC Thakskangrong.

The ICDS Project Kargil today celebrated Poshan Pakhwada at AWC Thakskangrong First.

The event was attended by CDPO, Block Coordinator, Supervisors, ANMs, AWWs and AWHs of Lankore-Thakskangrong Municipal Ward. Beneficiaries and adolescents from respective AWCs were present at the event.

During the event, awareness was given to the participants on overall nutrition, inclusion of indigenous and locally grown foods in daily dietary habits, and fighting anemia among lactation and pregnant women, adolescent girls and children below the age of 6 years was thoroughly discussed by the participants. Weight and height measurement of the beneficiaries present were also taken during the event.

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