Hon’ble Lt Governor Brig (Dr) BD Mishra (Retd) reviews progress of developmental activities in border villages


The Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor of Ladakh, Brigadier (Dr) BD Mishra (Retd), held a meeting with Deputy Commissioner, Leh, Shrikant Suse, to review the progress of the ongoing developmental activities in border areas under the Vibrant Villages Programme.

DC Leh informed HLG of two border villages from Leh- Chushul and Korzok- included under the Vibrant Villages Programme. He provided updates on various developmental activities being carried out in Chushul and Korzok villages, including improving roads, healthcare and livelihood opportunities. He informed about the assistance being provided to improve homestay facilities for tourists. He also informed about the removal of the Inner Line Permit (ILP) for domestic tourists to facilitate the promotion of tourism activities in border villages.

DC Leh informed about various developmental activities being carried out in the Changthang area under Changthang Development Package. He also informed about plantation drives being carried out in Chushul village with the help of villagers and Go Green, Go Organic organisation.

HLG instructed DC Leh for the completion of the ongoing developmental projects in border villages under the Vibrant Villages Programme within the stipulated timeline without compromising on the quality of work. He also instructed DC Leh to explore possibilities of conducting more plantation drives to increase the forest cover in Ladakh.


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