Haryana: Fancy No. 7777 fetches Rs 3.9 lakh


                          Haryana: Fancy No. 7777 fetches Rs 3.9 lakh


The passion for having a fancy vehicle registration number contributed to the revenue of the Transport Department in Kaithal district yesterday as vehicle number HR-08-AG-7777 fetched Rs 3.9 lakh in an open auction. The auction was conducted in the office of Kapil Sharma SDM, Kaithal. who confirmed the amount.

Owner has same no. in different series

Amit Kumar, an advocate from Kaithal, has purchased the number, which had a reserve price of Rs 50,000. Amit considered it a lucky number as two of his other vehicles had the same number in different series. He will use this number for his SUV, purchased recently, said Amit to mediapersons.

Amit said he would have shelled out more money to get this number. The second bidder, Around five months ago, the same number 7777 was sold at Rs 4.5 lakh in the same office in an open bid. As per an official, the open auction of VIP numbers will also be conducted on Wednesday.



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