Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti 2024

Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti 2024
Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti 2024

Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti being celebrated with traditional fervour across India today.

Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti marks the auspicious day where Sikhs celebrate the birthday of the 10th Guru— Guru Gobind Singh.

The day is celebrated all over India, predominantly within the Sikh community. People usually pray for the prosperity and well-being of fellow people. Reading and listening sessions of Guru Gobind’s poetry is a common practice on this day. Discussions on Guru Gobind’s life also take place in Sikh communities spread all over the world.

Guru Gobind Singh is best known for rising against the Mughal rulers and safeguarding the interests of people from the invaders.

He was a benevolent man who preached justice, peace, and equality for all. He lived the life of a saint and inspired millions of Sikhs with his writings that depict the way he led his life. Guru Gobind Singh had strict principles, which he and his followers followed and still follow religiously.

The basic norms included not obliging to the prevalent caste system and superstitions, they believed in one God, and they followed the “5 K’s” — kangha (comb), kesh (uncut hair), kacchera (undergarment), kara (bracelet), and kirpan (sword).

Before his passing, Guru asked Sikhs to consider Guru Granth as the primary sacred text. Guru Gobind Singh’s teachings inspired many. His lifelong battle against the plundering Mughals ensured the survival of Sikhism.

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