Gulistan News Network holds one day seminar on drug


Gulistan News Network holds one day seminar on drug abuse at Government Women College Anantnag with an aim to spread awareness among masses to fight the drug abuse.

The Wakaf Borad Chairman Dr Darakshan Andrabi was the chief guest; besides her several other dignitaries were also present on the occasion.

On the occasion several speakers shed light on the drug abuse and sought cooperation from all walks of life to fight the drug abuse.

Dr Darakshan Andrabi while speaking said that the youth has a critical role to play to eradicate drug abuse, she urged youth to come forward to extend their role in eradicating drug menace.

Executive Editor Gulistan News Newwork Ishfaq Gowhar also highlighted the role of media to spread awareness to crub the drug abuse; he thanked all the participants for showing their presence.

Bureau Head Tasaduk Rashid also addressed the audience and said that there is need of rehabilitation centers to get equipped to fight the drug abuse. He impressed upon masses to play their role as society to defeat the drug culture, he added.

Dig South Kashmir Rayees Ahmad Bhat also lauded the efforts of organizing body to conduct such needful programmes to fight the drug menace. He also sought cooperation of masses to end the drug abuse.

Sevral other prominent speakers propagate the message of fight against drugs to the society. On the occasion speakers expressed their views on how drugs have become the modern-day epidemic and how we can tackle it.

Valuable contribution and comments on the occasion were made by Gulistan News Network Body, civil administration, police and students, comprising.


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