Gen Secy Gujjar Bakerwal Conf Yaseen Poswal joins DPAP

Gen Secy Gujjar Bakerwal Conf Yaseen Poswal joins DPAP
Gen Secy Gujjar Bakerwal Conf Yaseen Poswal joins DPAP

In a significant development, the Jammu and Kashmir Gujjar and Bakerwal Conference J&K General Secretary Ch Mohammad Yaseen Poswal joined the Democratic Progressive Azad Party on Wednesday. Poswal joined the party fold in presence of party Chairman Ghulam Nabi Azad and treasurer Taj Mohiuddin & General Secretary Ch Haroon Khatana along with hundreds of his supporters. While welcoming Poswal into the party, Mr Azad said that the DPAP is a party of common people and whosoever aims to serve the people is welcomed. “Our agenda is pro people and we support the policies that serve for the welfare of people,” Mr Azad said. He said given the pro people policies DAPA will sweep the upcoming Assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir.

On the occasion, Poswal said that he joined DPAP since he was impressed with the party policies. He said DPAP is the only party that speaks for the Gujjar and Bakerwal community and support their causes. Among others who were present on the occasion were Treasurer Ch Taj Mohiuddin, Vice Chairman G.M.Saroori, Gen Secretary Ch Haroon Khatana, Provincial President Kashmir Mohd Amin Bhatt, Zonal President Gulzar Ahmed Wani, Sr DPAP leader Ch Anwar Phambra and others.


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