Executive Councillor for Minority Affairs, Ghulam Mehdi Ashoor had a meeting


Divisional Commissioner Ladakh, Suagat Biswas today to discuss the airlifting of stranded passengers of Nubra region from Chandigarh.

He discussed providing special flights of Indian Airforce to evacuate stranded local passengers from Chandigarh to Thoise, Nubra. He also discussed resuming the IL flight operations on Chandigarh-Thoise-Chandigarh route which was operational before COVID pandemic.

EC Mehdi mentioned that resuming the existing flight operations would ease the travelling of people of Nubra region to Chandigarh for various important purposes especially during winters when the roads get cut-off due to heavy snowfall.

Div Com Biswas assured his assistance from the Administration to initiate the evacuation process of the current stranded passengers at the earliest and added that the matter have been taken up with the Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India for which the list of local passengers from various villages of Nubra region have also been taken.


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