EC Tashi reviews status of CRF, PMGSY Project for Zanskar


Executive Councilor Tourism, RD and Zanskar Affairs, LAHDC, Kargil, Er. Punchok Tashi today chaired a meeting to review the status of various projects sanctioned under Central Road Fund (CRF) and Pardhan Mantri Gramin Sadak Yojna (PMGSY) for Zanskar Sub Division in the past one year at Council Secretariat Kargil.

SE PWD, R&B Kargil, Abdul Mutalib, Executive Engineer PMGSY and other concerned officials were present in the meeting.

SE Abdul Mutalib briefed about the status of the project sanctioned under CRF of Rs 93.43 cr for Zanskar Sub Division. He informed that the tendering of two bridges one each in Pishu and Bakarsey villages are at completion stage and work is likely to start on the onset of working season in Zanskar.

The AAA for the remaining two link road Ralakung and Shadey is awaited from UT Administration.

Exen PMGSY informed the meeting that a total of 8 link roads have been approved for Zanskar Sub Division under PMGSY-III recently amounting Rs 77.53 cr and the tender would be called soon for which paper work is under process.

EC Tashi appreciated the field engineers for putting their effort in preparing the DPR of the project after site visit on the demand of people and their elected representative.

The EC said the role of MP Ladakh, Jamyang Tsering Namgyal in sanctioning and getting due share for Ladakh under both centrally sponsored project is immense and on behalf of all the stakeholders and beneficiaries of above project.

Tashi thanked MP Ladakh for his tireless efforts and intervention in sanctioning the project worth crores.

One major link road for Junkhor Zanskar which was earlier proposed in CRF has not been approved for which SE R&B Circle Kargil has informed that the same project has been re-submitted under SDP and CRF and is expected soon.


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