E-bus operators stage protest after conductor attacked in Jammu


Aman Zutshi

E-bus drivers and conductors on Friday held a protest at  Bus stand in Jammu, alleging attack on a E-bus conductor and its driver by Matador operators. The operators have  stopped work demanding arrests of the perpetrators.

The protesters raised slogans demanding action against unruly behaviour of the mini buses transporters, who assault and harass them on regular basis.

One of the protesting E-bus conductor said, “One of our conductor has been thrashed and they pester us on regular basis. They thrash, abuse and beat us. Just four days ago the other transporters thrashed one of us. But no action has been taken yet”.

“A driver of a matador and its conductor thrashed an e-bus conductor and e-buses won’t  operate today”, he added.

“It’s been an hour and the cops are telling us SHO sir is arriving when we went to the police station to register a complaint. No proceedings in this case has been started”, another agitator said.

“He was on a fast and was badly thrashed by them. He has been hospitalised now”,  one of the agitator said.

“This is just hooliganism. They have become brazen because they say they will come out of jail and will again beat us.  Their chairman has said to break our buses, thrash us, so that the e-buses can’t ply. This is all what they want. I  think they don’t want Jammu to progress.

“We want arrests of those persons who thrashed our conductor only then we will resume our work”, an agitator warned.


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