Dry winter impacts the country’s coldest region

Dry winter impacts the country's coldest region
Chadar Trek or Frozen Zanskar River Trek, a frozen ice trek during winter in Ladakh of north India.

The impact of unusual weather was visible on the 105 km Chadar trek as well as ice hockey, which requires around minus four Degree Celsius to provide a favourable environment.

Unusually warmer weather this winter has even impacted the extreme winter sports like ice hockey and 105-kilometre Chadar trek in the cold desert mountains of Ladakh, where minimum temperature drops up to minus 40 degree Celsius and is considered the country’s coldest place.

Ice hockey rinks in Ladakh’s Kargil town witnessed rare scenes on January 13-14 when the organisers switched on fans in the night to add to the freezing temperatures.

The young and enthusiastic boys most of them from villages in Zanskar valley double up as porters, camp managers, group leaders in the Chadar trek.

The Chadar Frozen River trek also helps drive the economy in the region.

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