Doda District all set to kick start activities under Bhrashtachar Mukt J&K Week


To eliminate corruption and promote transparent governance, Jammu and Kashmir UT Government has decided to launch Week Long Bharatabhar Mukat J&K campaign which will start from the 4th of September and culminate on 10th of September.
To join this campaign against corruption, the district administration Doda has formulated a vibrant activity plan under the supervision of Deputy Commissioner, Vishesh Mahajan.
The week-long campaign will witness a series of awareness events across the district with a focus on the promotion of transparent and accountable governance.
Special Gram Sabhas, MC meetings, and meetings with key stakeholders, including Self-Help Groups (SHGs), MGNREGA workers, farmers, students, and citizens, have been devised to spread mass awareness about the significance of corruption free governance. These meetings will also serve as platforms to discuss and combat corruption at the grassroots level.
An essential aspect of the campaign is to raise awareness about IT-related initiatives, such as the “Empowerment-Janbhagidari Portal.” This portal plays a pivotal role in establishing a transparent system of governance. Simultaneously, the “Digital Literacy Week” will be celebrated, highlighting the significance of digital initiatives in government processes.
The campaign will be given widespread publicity through print, electronic, and social media. Workshops and sensitization programs will be conducted at the district level, Sub Divisional level, and Tehsil level to educate participants about anti-corruption policies and procedures.
This initiative also stresses the importance of promptly addressing corruption-related grievances and complaints. Special counters will be set up at different administrative levels to receive and resolve the issues relating to corruption. The IT Department will work in conjunction with other departments to create “Feedback Forms” for recording grievances and complaints, ensuring proper documentation and timely resolution. All complaints received during the week will be given top priority, with clear timelines provided for resolution.
In addition to these efforts, educational institutions will participate by organizing competitions and activities like quizzes, debates, plays and more, aiming to raise awareness about corruption-free governance. District-level competitions, including quiz, cartoon making, slogans, paintings, rangoli, and cultural events, will actively engage the community in the fight against corruption. The “Bhrashtachar Mukt J&K Week” promises to be a significant step towards a more transparent and corruption-free administration in Doda District.


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