DLIC Gbl approves 07 cases under Tejaswini scheme


A meeting of the District Level Implementation Committee (DLIC) was today held under the chairmanship of Deputy Commissioner (DC) Ganderbal, Shyambir here to approve the cases under Tejaswini schemes.
The meeting held threadbare deliberations on the implementation of Tejaswini scheme in the district and several cases of unemployed female eligible entrepreneurs of the district were brought before the Committee for approval. After threadbare discussion, the DLIC approved 07 cases under the scheme.
Highlighting the importance of the scheme, the DC asked the concerned officers to generate mass awareness among the educated and unemployed youth of the district about the scheme and ensure their maximum coverage under the beneficiary oriented schemes.
He said that Tejaswini scheme ensures empowerment and encourages young women of the district in the age group of 18 to 35 to start their business for income generation activities to earn livelihood.
“Tejaswini” scheme is aimed to provide financial assistance to young women entrepreneurs for setting up profitable self-employment ventures suited to their skill and training aptitude.
The meeting was attended by GM, DIC; AD Employment, District Nodal Officer, JKEDI, District Manager Lead Bank and other committee members.


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