Director reviews functioning of Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department


Director, Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department, Jammu, Rifat Kohli today reviewed the functioning of the Department with regard to implementation of ongoing departmental schemes here at a meeting of all the Assistant Directors of Jammu Division.

The meeting had threadbare discussion on several issues regarding the functioning of the Department which inter-alia included digitalization of services, i.e. supply chain management, District wise market checking and aadhar seeding of left out beneficiaries if any; during the aadhar seeding drive.

The Director impressed upon the concerned Officers to update consumers ration cards; if any left out on priority.

During the meeting, the Director held interaction with the Officers and enquired regarding the availability and distribution of foodgrains in all the Districts particularly in far off places and winter zones areas. She also stressed upon redressing the public grievances on priority. The Assistant Director apprised the Director in detail the working/functioning of the Department in each Districts and the parameters which needs special attention and the Director stressed for time bound implementation of all the schemes and to achieve targets in a time bound manner.

Regarding construction of food stores and office accommodation, the Assistant Directors were asked to expedite the process of identification of State Land free from all encumbrances on priority and submission of DPRs of already identified works. It was directed in the meeting to ensure implementation of supply chain management on real time basis besides to make endeavors for 100% door step delivery of foodgrains in every District as per provisions of National Food Security Act. Deliberations were also held on the implementation of new Targeted Public Distribution System (Control), Order 2023, so that same can be implemented as per mandate of the policy.

Besides, Joint Director, Deputy Director, Food and Rationing, Supplies, Planning and Chief Accounts Officer were also present in the meeting.


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