DIET Leh organises orientation prog on filmmaking


A two-day orientation program on filmmaking was organised by the DIET Leh for the State Resource Groups (SRGs) from different schools of Leh district and faculties of DIET Leh on December 16-17.

Tsering Wangdus Lonpo, Former AD Information; Abdul Gafur, Senior Technician, Doordarshan Leh and freelancer in film making; Dorje Angchok Mogol (PEM) Expert in film making and Stanstrong Dorje, Video Editor were the resource persons.

The orientation programme aimed to disseminate the idea of filmmaking at school level.

One the first day, all the experts explained the basic concepts and terms associated with filmmaking, script writing and camera operating. Tsering Wangdus Lonpo enlightened about how to write scripts to the SRGs. While sharing his own experiences, he suggested the SRGs do more research on the subjects and listen to news and radios to learn more local vocabularies. Abdul Gafur explained briefly the theoretical concepts associated with filmmaking. He explained the SRGs about the different methods of shooting and recording. Dorje Wangchok also elucidated the video shooting to the SRGS, and Stanstrong Dorje taught about video editing to the SRGs.

On the second day, the SRGs were divided into two groups and given practical work to record a short film within the premises of DIET Campus.


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