DDC Kupwara reviews progress under Jal Jeevan Mission


The District Development Commissioner (DDC) Kupwara, Ayushi Sudan today convened a meeting of concerned officers to review the progress achieved under Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) in the district.

District Superintending Engineer, Mohammad Saleem Malik apprised the chair through a detailed PowerPoint presentation about work wise progress achieved under JJM in the district.

Regarding the coverage of households, the meeting was informed that out of the total 166000 households, 116000 households have been covered under Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC), while the rest of households are targeted to be covered.

Reviewing the status of approved water supply schemes, the DDC was informed that 222 works have been allotted in all the 3 PHE Divisions of the district out of which 212 works were started and 26 works stands completed so far.

It was also informed that 11 Dug-well works have been allotted, of which 9 works have been completed and work is in progress on the rest. 31 Borewells have also been allotted out of which 13 stands completed.

Reviewing the status of formulation/approval of DPRs, it was informed that 116 DPRs have been approved by the DPR Appraisal Committee which includes 44 DPRs of PHE Division Kupwara, 55 of Handwara Division, 13 of SSD Tangdar and 4 of Ground Water Division Srinagar.

On the occasion, the DDC stressed upon the engineers to gear up their men and machinery for speedy execution of all the pending works so that the people in large are benefitted under the ambitious Jal Jeevan Mission of the Government.

The DDC also took detailed review of other components of JJM which include status of production tube wells, pipe network works, division wise status of pipe availability, financial status and forest clearance cases.

Among others, JD Planning, Executive Engineers of PHE, AEEs and other concerned were present in the meeting.


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