DDC Jammu reviews progress under Capex Budget 2023-24


District Development Commissioner, Sachin Kumar Vaishya conducted a review meeting at the district headquarters to assess the progress of projects under the District Capex Budget for the year 2023-24.
The DDC examined the status of tenders, technical sanctions, administrative accords and budget allocation for ongoing projects. He allocated project-specific deadlines to officers and emphasised the importance of adhering to these timelines for timely project completion.
The review included performance of different departments such as Public Works, Elementary and Secondary Education, Youth Services & Sports, Urban Development and Jal Shakti.
The DDC urged departmental heads and officials to proactively identify and resolve any hindrances to project progress. He stressed the need to seek assistance from relevant agencies when required.
Sachin Kumar emphasised the importance of honesty and integrity within government offices, stating that lawlessness, incompetence, or corruption would not be tolerated at any stage of developmental works.
He encouraged officers to take initiatives and foster close coordination among the departments to deliver government services effectively and ensure the smooth execution of development projects. He also urged officials to conduct regular field tours to assess the ground situation and maintain high standards of quality in developmental works.


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