DDC Chairperson Gbl takes stock of public grievances at various Panchayats


To get first-hand account of the public grievances, Chairperson District Development Council (DDC) Ganderbal, Nuzhat Ishfaq today visited Tullamulla and Theeru villages to attend public outreach programme.
On the occasion, delegations from different panchayats, besides scores of individuals apprised her about the problems being faced by them in day to day life.
The main issues highlighted during the programme were related to dredging of main nallah Tullamulla and Theeru, upgradation of health infrastructure, CUK, upgradation of Vetinary and Sheep Centers, sanctioning of Fire Service station, Bank and ATM facilities, plying of transport facilities to different routes via Tullamulla, release of funds for construction of Tehsil and other offices, sanctioning of ATL and ICT lab for GHSS Tullamulla, Upgradation of Sports fields, Road connectivity, improvement in power supply scenario, installation of hand pumps, health centers besides other issues of public importance.
The DDC Chairperson gave patient hearing to the PRI members, delegations and individuals and passed on spot directions to the concerned officers for early redress of their genuine grievances.
She assured that the highlighted issues of public importance will be taken up with concerned quarters besides all the pendency and public service delivery slackness shall be reviewed thoroughly.
She also impressed upon the officers to work with zeal for ensuring the delivery of the benefits to the rural masses and to achieve the development targets. She said that the motive of these public outreach programs is to reach out to the people and understand their problems.
She also dedicated upgraded transformer to people at Kachan where she listened to the problems of the people and assured time bound resolution of the issues and immediate mitigation of the burning issues.
Later, Nuzhat visited PHC Kachan where she enquired about the facilities being provided to the patients. She inspected various sections of the PHC and exhorted upon the medical and para-medical staff to ensure punctuality and better healthcare services to the patients.
The DDC Chairperson was accompanied by ACR Ganderbal, ACD Ganderbal, Tehsildar Tullamulla besides other district and sectoral officers.
PRI members along with other officers of the line department and a large number of people were present at the program.


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