DDC Chairperson Gbl chairs Grievance redressal camp at Kondbal, Safapora


In order to reach out to the people to listen to their issues and ensure timely redressal of the same, District Development Council Chairperson (DDC) Ganderbal, Nuzhat Ishfaq today chaired a grievance redressal camp at Kondbal Safapora.
The camp witnessed overwhelming response from prominent citizens and PRIs of the areas who apprised the DDC Chairperson of various issues pertaining to their areas.
The demands that were mainly raised by the deputations range from augmentation of power and water supply, development of roads, macdamization, better healthcare facilities, side walling of Bab Canal, sanitation drives, dredging of irrigation canals and other issues of public importance.
DDC Chairperson gave patient hearing to the public grievances and took up the same with the concerned departments and gave on spot directions to the concerned departments for timely redressal of the issues as per their competence.
While replying to the issues raised, the DDC Chairperson said that all members of the Council along with District Administration are working round the clock to ensure that the developmental activities and the benefits of the welfare schemes reach the deserving people and necessary instructions to the line departments are also given in this regard.
She urged the locals especially unemployed youth to take benefit of various employment schemes that have been launched for the social and economic upliftment of the women, youth and weaker sections of the society.
The camp was attended by ACR Ganderbal, CEO Manasbal Development Authority, CEO, and other district and sector officers.


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