Dc Reasi listens to people’s issues at remote Panchayat Shikari in Mahore


Deputy Commissioner, Reasi, Babila Rakwal, today listened to people’s issues at a weekly block Diwas meeting held in Shikari- a remote Panchayat of Block Mahore.
The DC interacted with scores of public delegations and individuals who projected issues and demands of local importance. District Development Council Chairperson Reasi, Saraf Singh Nag also attended the Block Diwas.
The PRIs and general public of the area put forth their issues demanding road connectivity, adequate teaching staff in schools, up-grading of health care infrastructure, clearance of FRA claims and other issues of local importance.
They also hailed the district administration for coming to the remote Panchayat for the first time in 75 years of Independence and bringing different initiatives of the Government to their doorsteps.
The DDC member Mohammad Israil demanded Niabat for Shikari- Dubri – Thiloo, road connectivity between Kharal and Shikari villages and urged to focus on tapping the tourism potential of the area.
Further, Sarpanches of panchayats Shikari Dubri Hassote and Mahore presented the charter of works done by various departments in developing panchayats on modern lines.
The DC Reasi, while addressing the issues, laid focus on proper implementation of Central Sponsored Schemes and UT Capex budget works for the larger benefit of the general public.
She emphasized on implementation of reforms in education sector like Samiksha, prioritisation of NABARD projects, completion of ongoing Jal Jeevan Mission schemes in timely manner, tapping of the animal husbandry sector potential in terms of rearing of wool, promotion of sports activities among the youth and laying special focus effective execution of Aspirational Panchayat Development Plan.
The DDC Chairperson Reasi Saraf Singh Nag called for equitable development of the area and extension of benefits to the public in the most transparent manner.
Besides these, the Block Diwas was attended by ACD, Dr Anirudh Rai; ACP Pradeep Kumar; Xen PWD Rajesh Sharma; Xen Jal Shakti Kishore Kumar; PRIs and other district and sectoral officers.


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