DC Kupwara reviews functioning of Health Department


The Deputy Commissioner (DC) Kupwara, Ayushi Sudan today convened a meeting of the Medical Officers to review the overall functioning of the Health Department in the district.

At the outset, DC took a detailed review of all the infrastructural projects and various health programmes/Schemes like NQAS (National Quality Assurance Standards), LaQshya (Labour Room Quality Improvement initiative), RBSK (Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram), Anemia Mukt Bharat, Institutional deliveries, Maternal Health and Immunization.

The CMO Kupwara gave a detailed PowerPoint Presentation and highlighted the targets/achievements under various programmes. He apprised the chair that there are a total of 307 Health Institutions in the district including GMC Handwara and its associated Hospitals, Handwara and Langate.

Reviewing the Financial and physical progress of infrastructural projects under CAPEX Budget, Area Development Fund (DDC Grants, BDC Grants, PRI Grants), Samridh Seema Yojna (SSY), and Languishing projects, the DC directed concerned Executive Engineers to expedite the tendering process.

CMO Kupwara was directed to follow up the progress so that all important projects are completed within the stipulated time frame.

Principal Government Medical College Handwara, Dr. Iffat Hassan Shah while briefing the chair, said that the Make- Shift arrangement for GMC is 90% complete. While, DPR for construction of GMC Handwara (Main Building), amounting to Rs.255.00 cr. has been sanctioned and award of contract is under process.

While reviewing the status of institutional deliveries, DC directed BMO Tangdhar, Kalroos, Sogam and Kralpora to strengthen the information and communication channels for promotion of institutional deliveries in such areas and stressed upon the BMOs to review the cases of maternal and infant deaths so that reasons of the deaths are known.

She also directed BMOs of Trehgam, Tangdhar, Zachaldara and Vilgam to intensify RBSK screening on priority basis in their respective medical blocks so that all Anganwadi children are screened under RBSK.

While reviewing NCD Coverage, NQAS, LaQshya, Anaemia Mukth Bharat and IMI 5.0, DC directed CMO Kupwara to make a road map for these important programmes and submit a weekly report on the progress achieved under these aspirational indicators.

She stressed upon all BMOs to check attendance of the staff regularly. She also asked the Medical Officers to make extra efforts to strengthen the health institutions; they are heading and directed them to ensure smooth functioning of all men and machinery available at their disposal.

Meeting was attended by JD Planning, Principal GMC Handwara, CMO Kupwara, DPO ICDS, Medical Superintendent District Hospital Handwara, Executive Engineer R&B Kupwara, all BMOs, District Immunization officer, District Account Managers (NHM), BMEOs(Block Monitoring & Evaluation Officers).


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