Cyber Physical System (CPS), AI, Machine Learning, AR, VR to be Prime areas


Adding one more feather to its cap, the University of Ladakh has signed an MoU with iHUB DivyaSampark IIT Roorkee, to work together and explore opportunities in Cyber Physical Systems (CPS).

This is a historic moment for the University to collaborate with the prestigious IIT Roorkee, Uttarkhand.

The MoU was signed on 20 May 2023 at 10:00 AM in the office Chamber of Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, University of Ladakh, Melongthang Leh.

The MoU focuses on collaborative ventures in the area of Cyber Physical System and new technologies especially Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, AR, VR etc. The MoU shall also explore good patents, projects, and publications related to Cyber physical stems that have been created by students and teachers at the University of Ladakh and to turn these ideas into real products that can help society.

Another goal of the MoU is to build strong, long-term relationship between University of Ladakh and IIT Roorkee. The MoU aim to create an ecosystem where innovation can thrive. The collaboration plan to offer skill development programs for people in engineering and non-engineering fields, both in India and other countries.

The University of Ladakh and iHUB Divya Sampark aims to work together to explore new ideas in CPS, help people become entrepreneurs, and develop useful products for society. Both the parties want to build strong relationships, encourage innovation, and offer skill development programs to people in different fields.




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