Crucial meeting of Tibetan govt in-exile at Dharamsala


The Permanent Strategy Committee of the 16th Kashag (Tibetan government in-exile) convened its third meeting here today. Sikyong Penpa Tsering is chairing the three-day meeting being held from November 25 to 27 and all committee members, including advisers Kasur Tempa Tsering, Kasur Dongchung Ngodup, former representative of the Dalai Lama at Tibet Bureau in Delhi, and former special envoy Kelsang Gyaltsen, are attending it.
Others who are attending the meeting include Karma Rinchen, Secretary of the Department of Security, Karma Choeying, Secretary of the Department of Information and International Relations, Dawa Tsering, Secretary of the Tibet Policy Institute, and political secretary Tashi Gyatso of Kashag Secretariat. Ngawa Tsegyam, Secretary from the Gaden Phodrang office, is also attending the meeting. The Permanent Strategy Committee will review and discuss the progress of ongoing strategic programmes and deliberate on future advocacy initiatives as per its objectives.


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