Commissioner Secretary RDD e- inaugurates HADP KISSAN Sampark Abhiyan


Commissioner Secretary, Rural Development Department and Panchayati Raj, Mandeep Kaur, who is also Parbhari Officer for Panchayat Seri Khawaja, today e-inaugurated KISSAN Sampark Abhiyan under Holistic Agriculture Development Programme (HADP) at Seri Khawaja in Lassana Block of Poonch district which shall culminate on 3rd of May 2023.

All the farmers of Panchayat are expected to participate in this 3 day programme.
In an endeavor to make farming more accessible, profitable and lucrative under KISSAN Sampark Abhiyan, focus is being accorded to farmers’ orientation with skilled courses to ensure that the meticulous plan outreaches to the grass root level besides preparing the farmers to face new challenges and explore new possibilities.

The main objective of the programme was to create awareness regarding diversification among the farmers, Self Help Groups and Co-operatives on strengthening agri-marketing system on promotion of medicinal aromatic plants on commercial basis, promotion of bee keeping and dairy development, fish and trout production, promotion of commercial floriculture, development of fodder resources, organic farming, round the year mushroom cultivation with ultimate aim to enhance the farmers’ income besides elaborating on PMKSY, PM KISSAN, KCC, National Livestock Mission, PMKMY schemes etc.

The resource persons of agriculture and allied departments briefed the farmers regarding modern tools and techniques that have been incorporated in all the 45 projects including 27 of HADP to overcome the prevailing constraints. They also elaborately explained about use of different extension methods to motivate the farmers towards adoption of proposed interventions in the approved projects.

Besides, 15 motion presentations out of total 45 HADP projects were displayed through small videos for the farmers while rest 30 would be shown to the farmers on 2nd day and 3rd day of the programme. Also, the baseline data of all participating 54 farmers was uploaded online on the specifically designed App.

BDC Chairman, Lassana Noor Jahan, Sarpanch Seri Khwaja, ACD Poonch, DAOE, SDAO and resource persons of Agriculture and allied departments participated in the event.
The PRIs thanked Mandeep for her special interest and keenness to bring every Central/UT sponsored schemes to the doorstep of her designated panchayat to uplift the socio-economic status of the farmers.


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