Chugh slams Abdullah and Mufti, says they dance to the tunes of Pakistan and ISI

Tarun Chugh:
Tarun Chugh:

Tarun Chugh: BJP national general secretary Tarun Chugh today blasted the PDP president Mehbooba Mufti for misleading the people of J&K by undermining the development works untaken by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and giving a new vision to the youth of the Union territory.

In a statement Chugh, who is also party incharge for J&K, said that the PDP has been always dancing to the tunes of Pakistan ISI and is now feeling uncomfortable since people of the Union Territory have turned their back of Muftis and Abdullahs and have taken to the path of progress and development.

Chugh said it is time Muftis and Abdullahs stopped forthwith their nefarious game plan of playing in the hands for Pakistan and China and let the people go on the path of progress and development.

Tarun Chugh:  The plundering of the J&K resources and the central aid that has been happening for the comfort and pleasure of Muftis and Abdullahs would always remain a black chapter in the recent history of J&K.

He said now the youth of J&K want computers not stones in their hands. The entire culture of J&K has transformed from terrorist to tourism and trade.

Chugh also took strong exception to Farooq Abdullah’s statement where he questioned the Modi government for organising G20 meeting in Srinagar.

Srinagar is as much a part of the nation as Shimla is. It is time Abdullahs stopped parroting what ISI tells them to do, Chugh added.

It would be a glorious moment for Srinagar when representatives of 20 nations assemble there and take a comprehensive view of India’s progress and development, he added.

Chugh said it is a matter of shame that instead of assisting the Modi government in making the G20 event and big success Abdullah was speaking  what Pakistan and China would like him to do.


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