The Kerala Story was taken off theatres in Tamil Nadu due to poor collections and protests by people across the state. A special screening of the movie, for which senior state BJP leaders were invited, was scuttled on Wednesday by the police.
On the morning of May 10, a special screening of the film was planned at a popular preview theatre in Chennai and a number of people, including senior BJP politicans, were invited for the show. There were reportedly around 10-12 people who had come to watch the special show.
The Chennai Police, however, intervened and stopped the show citing law and order issues Tamil Nadu BJP vice-president Narayanan Thirupathy, he clarified that the special screening was not organised by the BJP.
Several incidents of violence had been reported across Tamil Nadu when The Kerala Story was released on May 5.
Naam Tamilar Katchi leader Seeman had organised a protest in Chennai on May 6, demanding that the film be pulled out of theatres. He said if the shows continued, members of his outfit would break the screens and theatre