ChatGPT attempts JEE Advanced exam. Here’s how much it scored


After OpenAI’s chatbot ChatGPT failed to clear the civil service examination – UPSC prelims earlier, the artificial intelligence bot – known for its abilities to solve a wide range of queries – has failed to clear JEE Advanced exam in a latest test.

ChatGPT was made to attempt the top engineering exam, it received a negative score and was only able to solve 11 questions in both the papers of JEE Advanced exam. Besides, in the medical entrance exam NEET, the AI based application managed 45% marks, Mint said. In the NEET exam, the bot scored 359 out of 800 after attempting the set of 200 questions. It outperformed the biology section, the report added.

The Joint Entrance Examination is conducted annually for admission into undergraduate engineering programs at premium institutes including the Indian Institute of Technology. Lakhs of students register for the exam known for its high level of difficulty across the world.

ChatGPT’s inability to perform well in the exam only highlights the technology is still in its nascent stage or as experts have said its “hallucinating”. However, the buzz around the chatbot is only gaining momentum day by day for its ability to answer “almost anything” as it trained on a vast amount of data.

The bot trained by artificial intelligence non-profit OpenAI Inc. can answer questions conversationally. Designed in a dialogue format, as per OpenAI’s claims it can answer follow-up questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises, on almost “everything”. Its advent has marked a phenomenal shift in the world of AI and the bot is being hailed as “revolutionary” by many, including Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates.


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