CEC Feroz Khan inaugurates school building at Farka Shilikchay


Chairman/CEC, LAHDC, Kargil, Feroz Ahmad Khan in presence of Executive Councilor Works Mubarak Shah Naqvi, Deputy Commissioner/CEO, LAHDC, Kargil Santosh Sukhadeve and Councilor Poyeen, Mohd Amin today inaugurated the newly-constructed building at Govt. Middle School, Farka Shilikchay, Kargil.

Chief Education Officer, Kargil Mushtaq Ahmad, Sarpanches, Panches, religious heads, staff, VEC members, students, parents, prominent citizens and locals of the area were present on the occasion.

The CEC congratulated the R&B Department Kargil for completing the school building in a short time. While replying to the memorandum of requests presented by the Village Education Committee (VEC), he assured that all demands will be taken up in a phased manner.

He said the LAHDC will provide a solar power inverter for the school in the near future.

Talking about the facilities and quality of education in govt. schools, the CEC said govt. schools are showing fruitful results in all examinations and teachers are highly qualified.

He urged parents to enroll their children in government schools. He said the LAHDC is committed to providing quality education to students of Kargil adding that the present government has created awareness regarding the importance of education among the public.

He advised students and parents to focus on education adding that education is necessary for the future and survival of the nation and sought their support for the same.

The CEC also urged the students to prepare themselves for future competitions at national and international levels. He also advised teachers to provide moral education to the students, which is need of the hour.

In his address, EC Mubarak Shah Naqvi also congratulated the R&B Department for the timely completion of the project. He also said LAHDC Kargil is committed to fulfil all the genuine demands of the public.

On the occasion, DC Santosh said that the completion of the school building is a proud moment for the whole area. He said the smart classes will be made functional in the school and the sports equipment/kits will be provided in the near future. The other requests regarding construction works will be put in the plan in the next year budget.

CEO, Mushtaq Ahmad thanked LAHDC, Kargil and the District Administration for their constant support and appreciation for the education department.

While replying to the memorandum of demands, he said that the school will be put on the top priority as far as the demands of the general public are concerned.

Councilor Poyeen, Mohd Amin spoke at length about various projects and works which have been completed under the current government or are under progress in the area.

He said in the past also the genuine demands of people have been taken up with higher authorities and same will be followed in future for the larger interest of people.

Earlier, the VEC presented the memorandum of demands which include upgradation of the school, establishment of the laboratory and the library block, construction of MDM preparation shed and a separate hall for Mid-Day Meals, fencing for school premises, dismantling of old SSA building and construction of new complex, installation of computer lab, smart classes and solar power inverter.

Earlier, the students warmly welcomed the CEC, EC, DC and other dignitaries.


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