BJP’s Jammu and Kashmir spokesman Altaf Thakur expressed his heartfelt condolences on the untimely demise of Sh. Shamsher Singh Manhas Ji, a senior BJP leader, former State President of BJP, and former Rajya Sabha Member.
In his statement, Thakur described the passing of Sh. Manhas as an “irreparable loss” to both the party and the people of Jammu and Kashmir. He praised Manhas Ji’s lifelong commitment to public service and his immense contribution to the betterment of the region, noting that his leadership had been a source of inspiration to many.
“Sh. Shamsher Singh Manhas Ji’s dedication and tireless service to society have left an indelible mark. His contributions to the BJP and the people of J&K will always be remembered. We stand with his family during this difficult time and pray for strength to bear this profound loss,” Thakur added.
Thakur further expressed his condolences on behalf of the party and conveyed his thoughts to the grieving family of Sh. Manhas, wishing them the strength to cope with the great loss.
The passing of Sh. Shamsher Singh Manhas marks the end of a significant chapter in J&K’s political landscape, with his legacy set to endure in the memories of those who knew him and benefited from his work.