Banihal-Baramulla Train’s Dirty, Damaged Seats Irk Passengers


Banihal – Baramulla train boarded by passengers have been left irked by its pathetic conditions as they said that most of the seats in the train are damaged and sullied.

Several passengers told that the authorities are losing sight of the train running on Banihal – Baramulla track. They said that the condition of seats in the train is worse and no one is bothered to repair or clean them.

“I have been daily traveling on this train and the condition of its seats makes one retch. Most of the seats are damaged and some have turned black due to the grime accumulated in its covers,” said one of the passengers, Mohammad Altaf.

He said that the concerned authorities need to pay heed to the condition of the train as passengers feel uncomfortable while boarding it to reach their destinations.

Another passenger said that the covers of seats have been damaged and several others stinking. He held both authorities and the public responsible for it and said the people sometimes carelessly step on the seats, which leaves it dirty and with time unraveling its seams.

However, they appealed to the concerned authorities to replace or repair the damaged seats of the train so that they feel comfortable during their commute.


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