BAG Teams, SVEEP activities boost Voter Education in Border Areas of Hiranagar AC


KATHUA, SEPTEMBER 17: To reach every section of the community, the BAG teams today conducted public outreach at various locations across Hiranagar Assembly Constituency, including GHSS Chakra, village squares, and Anganwadi centers.

Engaging with senior citizens, women voters, shoppers, and school students, the BAG teams emphasized the importance of voting and civic responsibility. They also held discussions with field staff from various departments to further enhance their door-to-door campaign, aimed at increasing voter turnout and empowering the community to make informed decisions in elections.

In addition to the BAG activities, GHSS Chakra organized a Systematic Voters’ Education and Electoral Participation (SVEEP) program. This event featured a voter’s pledge, rangoli-making, and an election quiz, all designed to foster a culture of civic engagement and encourage informed participation in the electoral process.

These twin SVEEP events have made significant strides in promoting voter education and awareness in Border areas of Hiranagar.


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