Authorities seal service station in Jammu claiming road damage


          Authorities seal service station in Jammu claiming road damage

Aman Zutshi

The authorities in Jammu yesterday sealed a car washing and repairing service station shop namely ‘Raju Worker & Service station’ in Gujjar Nagar area of Jammu city.

According to the report, on the diktats of DC Jammu, a team comprising of a Judicial Magistrate First class (Naib Tehsildar) and J&K police yesterday  afternoon sealed a roadside above mentioned service station situated in Gujjar Nagar alleging that the establishment’s  washing water used for cleaning vehicles  is causing loss to the road and deteriorating its condition.

The administration took this step asserting that the road built by J&K Public Works Department (JK-Pwd) in Gujjar Nagar where the service station is situated is proving a risk for the road’s condition because the washing water utilized in washing vehicles on the establishment flows on the road and is degrading the road’s condition.

“A big police team came to my shop yesterday  at around 2-2:30pm without giving me any notice beforehand as if I’m doing a illegal business here.

“They didn’t asked anyone and put locks on the shop. My service station is closed from yesterday and the water is still running on the road.

“Our DC sir didn’t take care to know where this water is coming from. The water is coming on the road from the drains which are overflowing.

“The authorities didn’t probed anything  regarding  the source of water flow on the road they just arrived here and snatched our livelihood.

“This is not  justified because the road is still wet and DC sir should know that the drains are overflowing here.

“He didn’t consider crucial to witness the flow of the water he is doing what he likes only. This is the fault of JMC as there are many service stations here and the JMC managed gutter that is overflowing.

“The service station workers earn only on holidays because people like to get their vehicles wash on Sunday”, alleged Shiekh Akhter, owner of the shop.

“The action taken against us by the govt is very wrong”, said Mr Ayoub, a local man.

“The local regime should  investigate from where this water is coming out on the road because our used water don’t flow towards the road”, he added.


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