AJKPC Opposes So Called anti-encroachment drive, says It’s Inhumane to displace people from their Homes


All Jammu and Kashmir Panchayat Conference(AJKPC), the premier body of elected Panchayat members have strongly opposed the recent order of the Jammu and Kashmir government wherein the revenue department on the name of so called anti-encroachment drive is all set to displace innocent people from their homes and shops.

The organization is oppose to any such anti-humane action against the innocent people of Jammu and Kashmir and shall oppose this move, the AJKPC president Anil Sharma assured while interacting with a delegation of elected Panchayat members from Kashmir Division.

Sharma inform the media person after the meeting with PRI members of Kashmir division that he had been apprise by the Panches and Sarpanches that the revenue officers including Tehsildaars, SDMs, ACRs and ADCs and in some cases even the Deputy Commissioners are putting pressure on the elected Panchayat members to join the team of police and revenue officers in these so called anti-encroachment drive and have even threatened them of consequences if PRI members do not become the part of administration in this drive.

The AJKPC president said, not even a single PRI member supports this anti-people, anti-humanity and dictatorial decision of the J & K government to dispossess innocent people of their land, houses and shops which are in possession of these people for decades and in many cases for more than half century also.

He informed that instead of providing houses to the shelterless people and sources of livelihood, some corrupt and incompetent bureaucrats of J & K to hide their failure have come with this idea to harass people and set a regime of fear and panic amongst the citizenry so that no person stands up and talk about their corruption .

The prominent people who attended the meeting include BDC Chairperson (Bandipora ) Shabeer Ahmed Khan , Shahnawaz and others.


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