Air Force Authority of India organizes publicity campaign regarding Agnipath Scheme at GMDC Zanskar


Air Force Authority of India, No. 1 Airmen Selection Centre Ambala Cantt today organized Publicity Campaign regarding Agnipath Scheme in collaboration with Govt. Model Degree College Zanskar.

The aim of the event was to aware the intending students within the aages17 1/2 – 21 years about the Scheme and the various selection process in Indian Air Force.

Sergent Satyaveer Singh and Sergent Raj Kumar Roy from No. 1 Airmen Selection Centre Ambala Cantt Haryana came to Zanskar all the way from Ambala.

Faculty members and students of the college, faculty members , and students of Higher Secondary Schools of Zanskar Sub Division attended the program.

Mohd Ishaq Senior Professor welcomed the guests with traditional Khataks. Sergent Satyaveer Singh presented a detailed presentation about the Agnipath Scheme.

Pertinently, the Govt. of India approved Agnipath Scheme in 2022 for intending youth through which they can join Indian Army and serve the nation.

Sgt. Satyaveer Singh talked about the eligibility, selection process and the future avenues in the Indian Air Force. He also stressed on the multistage selection process which includes physical and paper examination.

He explained the pattern of the question paper with examples and also gave sample of question paper booklet to each school. Students were motivated and cleared their doubts.

Dr Jamphel Sheyan, Assistant Professor English presented vote of thanks while Hassanian Johar AP Geology coordinated the program.

The college administration extended gratitude to Executive Councilor Er. Punchok Tashi for portable PA System which will be beneficial in smooth conduct of programs in the college.


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