After LG’s Back to back statements, Mirwaiz decides to send legal notice to LG to initiate procedings for his release: Says Mirwaiz Manzil

After LG's Back to back statements, Mirwaiz decides to send legal notice to LG to initiate procedings for his release: Says Mirwaiz Manzil
After LG's Back to back statements, Mirwaiz decides to send legal notice to LG to initiate procedings for his release: Says Mirwaiz Manzil

Anjuman Auqaf Jama Masjid said that Mirwaiz-e-Kashmir Mohammed Umar Farooq was again disallowed from conducting Majlis-e-waz-o-tableg and offering obligatory Friday prayers for the consecutive 208th Friday at Jama Masjid today.

Anjuman said that as news was rife on social media since today morning that Mirwaiz might be allowed to come to Jama Masjid , after LG sahabs interview to a news channel where he said that “I have made up my mind … he ( Mirwaiz) will also offer Friday prayers at Jama Masjid“, people reached out to Anjuman to inquire if the Mirwaiz will be coming to Jamia Masjid today . To get clarity on this , Anjuman reached the concerned Police authorities to ask if in the light of LG sahabs statement Mirwaz will be allowed to come to Jama Masjid today. The concerned authorities said that they have not been intimated anything on this matter by the higher authorities and so cannot comment on it , so the status quo of detention continues .

Anjuman said that in view of these conflicting statements , and despite repeated appeals for his release from all quarters , and also in view of the LG sahabs own statements, Mirwaiz continues to be under house detention for last 4 years .

Anjuman said that as such , Mirwaiz sahab has been pushed to take the legal route now , and has decided to send a legal notice to the concerned authorities to clarify his status and initiate proceedings for his release from house detention , so that his religious and other public obligations don’t suffer any further. The legal notice to the concerned will be sent by later today.

Anjuman said it is hopeful that Mirwaiz sahab will get relief through the courts and people eagerly awaiting his return to Jama Masjid will once again hear him from the now silent pulpit of Jama Masjid .


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