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ADDC Udhampur reviews performance of banks at DLRCC meet


District Level Review Cum Consultative Committee meeting of bankers and district officers of various line Departments of district Udhampur was held today under the Chairmanship of Additional District Development Commissioner, Ghan Shyam Singh, here in the Conference Hall DC Office Complex.
Threadbare discussions were held on various aspects which mainly include Bankwise/ Sector wise achievements in lending to Priority sector / Non –Priority sector under Annual Credit Plan 2022-23, Bank wise position of Deposits/ Advances in district, Review of performance of Banks in Key areas relating to Deposits/Advances, Credit Disbursement under Government Sponsored Schemes, Issuance of KCCs, Special credit Facility for street vendors PM-SVANIDHI, Finance to Joint Liability Farming Groups of Bhoomi HeenKissan, Financial Inclusion Plan (FIP) of District, No. of financial literacy programmes organized by the rural branches of Banks, Functioning of FLC , Seeding of Aadhar for purpose of EBT/DBT , Progress/ Setting up of New campus of Rural Self Employment Training Institute (RSETI) , Prime Ministers Fasal Bhima Yojana, Stand up India Programme, Approval of ACP 2023-24 for District Udhampur, Implementation of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana, Timely submission of data by the Banks etc.
The ADDC exhorted the officer to organize financial literacy awareness camps in coordination with other departments at Panchayat level to enable maximum people to take benefit of credit flow at the ground level.
The bankers were asked to consult the concerned department before rejecting the sponsored cases to sort out issues. “The departments can act as the bridge between the beneficiary and bank for facilitating sanctioning of the loan cases” he added.
He instructed the bankers to improve the CD ratio to bring it at par with the national level in the next quarter. He stressed on focusing on potential areas and sought better coordination between banks and government departments for bringing improvement in CD ratio. He directed concerned officers to organize financial literacy camps in every panchayat of the district and adopt a public friendly approach and work in coordination to achieve desired results at the grassroots level.

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