ACB holds capacity building workshop for officials of executing agencies at Doda


DC administers Integrity Pledge to participants
Stresses on following codal formalities, purchases through GeM to end corruption. Jammu and Kashmir Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) today organised a Capacity Building Workshop for officers and officials of executing agencies here in the Conference hall of DC office complex.
Chaired by Director Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) J&K, Anand Jain, the workshop was organised to acquaint the officials of executing agencies about the frequent lapses in maintenance of records in developmental works, importance and issues while using GeM portal for public purchase, and role, and responsibility of Departmental Vigilance Officer (DVOs) including procedures to be adopted for fair and timely conduct of inquiries against their subordinates.
The workshop was attended by Deputy Commissioner, Vishesh Paul Mahajan, SSP, Abdul Qayom, AIG (Policy) ACB J&K, Sandeep Wazir; AIG (DVO) J&K, Kulwant Jasrotia; AIG (Policy) ACB J&K, G.S Ghuman; SSP Central ACB J&K, Mushtaq Chouwdhary, Superintending Engineers, Ex Ens, AEEs, AEs, JEs and Technical staff of executing departments.
An interaction session was held to clear the doubts regarding the conduct of fair, transparent and time bound government business, execution of works and public purchases in the work executing departments. An Integrity pledge was also administered during the workshop.
The participants were advised to follow Codal formalities religiously to avoid complaints and litigation and go for tendering only after accord of administrative approval and technical sanctions.
The DVOs were instructed to use designated portal for replies and avoid sending hard copies. The DVOs were further advised to conduct proper inquiries into the matter and not to rely on affidavits, compromise declarations etc.
Officers involved in public purchases were advised to use GeM and also ensure to conduct market survey and adopt Reverse Auctioning to avoid unnecessary loss to the government exchequer.
The DC Doda, while presenting the vote of thanks, briefed that district has already adopted the practice of taking geotaged photographs for attendance and execution of works. Officers have been asked to install CCTV in their offices. District administration is committed to achieve goal of corruption free district in the UT in near future- the DC added.


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