450 vehicles kept at police yard gutted in Wazirabad, Delhi

Fire incident at Wazirabad
Fire incident at Wazirabad

450 vehicles including  200 four-wheelers and 250 two-wheeler, gutted in Wazirabad, Delhi.

As per Delhi Fire Service department, this incident took place early morning at 4 am. The fire broke out at the police yard Wazirabad, which is known as ‘Malkhana’.  Malkhana is where the police keeps the seized vehicles. It is spread over 500 square yards.

The fire began at 4 am,five fire tenders were pressed into service and the DFS department managed to control the fire at 6 am.

According to the officials:” 200 four-wheelers and 250 two-wheeler catched the fire and were gutted completely.” No causalities were reported said the officials.

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