2 day training workshop for Seasonal Teachers begins at DIET Kishtwar


Deputy Commissioner Kishtwar Dr. Devansh Yadav, today inaugurated a two day training workshop organised for seasonal teachers by DIET Kishtwar in collaboration with the Chief Education Office.

As many as 69 Volunteer teachers attended the first day virtual training programme wherein educationist cum experts from New Delhi, Disha Kawa, Jaishree Goyal and AF Pratibha from Anandaya Foundation took detailed sessions on topics like Music and Movement, Examples of activities for gross and fine motor skills, how to use nature to teach numbers and colors, Creating building cards to develop grouping and Math skills, Number cards to teach place value with clay and marbles, Games to reinforce letter names and sound, Reading rules, methods to teach reading from family book, Session by Anandaya Foundation representative on word family readers, Counting sounds to teach spellings, Mnemonic devices to teach difficult spellings, Steps to follow while delivering a Grammar lesson, Importance of using a dictionary and teaching children at least, methods to learn new words every week, Activity to practice synonyms, Song and activity to practice opposites, Making finger puppets and miming 3 little pigs story etc.

The first session ended with experience sharing with seasonal teachers who enjoyed the training workshop and learnt new techniques and also learnt several new techniques of modern day teaching including preparing TLM.

The Deputy Commissioner exhorted the teachers to utilize the skills learned in the workshop to impart education to the out of school children. He informed that limited mnemonics material in handout shape would be shared with the seasonal teachers to use it in a limited cognitive way in schools.

He further stressed the teachers to motivate the OoSCs with the right approach and equip them with proper teaching learning material.

Pertinent to mention here that with the efforts of Deputy Commissioner Kishtwar more than 1400 out of school children from ST community have joined the mainstream and most of them have been enrolled in schools which is an extraordinary step taken by administration with regard to the mainstreaming of poor out of school children of ST Community. All ZEOs and other experts also shared their views for the betterment of these OoSC.


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