15-day ice hockey coaching camp concludes at Chiktan


The 15-day ice hockey coaching camp organized by ZPEO, Chiktan concluded today at Ice Hockey Rink, Takmachik.

BDC Chairperson, Sayeeda Banoo, SDM Chiktan, Mohd Sharif, ZEO Chiktan, other dignitaries, parents and trainees were present on the occasion.

ZPEO Chiktan, Ghulam Rasool welcomed the guests and briefed them about the coaching camp and its motive adding that it will go a long way to add to the skills of players.

He said more than 150 students of U 14 category took part in the camp and learned the basic skills of ice hockey game.

On the occasion, the SDM appreciated the initiative taken by ZPEO Chiktan for providing a platform to the young and buddies players to uplift their skills in ice hockey.


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